Thursday, August 21, 2014

We Are Here!

Wow! So much to say! We have been here a week now. We arrived in Kampala and drove back to Good Shepherd’s Fold (GSF) Campus for dinner with all the missionaries. When people arrive at GSF, everyone goes down to the gates to sing, dance, and greet the new arrivals. Since we were here last year they knew we knew about it, and it was also dark, so they decided to hide and then jump out singing and dancing. It was great. J It was wonderful to see familiar faces and hug friends’ necks. There were 2 missionary birthdays on the day we arrived, so we celebrated birthdays and arrivals with soups, ice cream and cake! Yum!
On Thursday we moved to our home in Nyenga. The missionaries had gotten it painted and cleaned for us! Our accommodations are much nicer than we had expected, and we feel at home in our little house. Our neighbors are very kind, and I feel very comfortable being in our home with the door and windows open like our neighbors do.  I think we have officially tried all of our new daily activities, including: latrine, bathing, brushing teeth (there is a particular spot you have to go to spit) cooking, washing clothes, washing dishes, getting water, and cleaning.  There are a lot of giggles from the neighbors. ;)
We have made some trips to Jinja (the nearest city) and a trip to Kampala (3 hours away and much larger city) for supplies.  The other missionaries have been amazing about providing meals, houses to stay in, transportation to use, Internet, stoves, and anything else we ask for. It is very humbling to have to depend on others so much! We are learning to say thank you and accept the assistance.  We have attended a missionary game night where the boys played Settlers of Catan and the girls played Ticket to Ride, which was great fun.
At GSF we have been attending orientation meetings, introduction meetings, and daily missionary devotions.  Cody has been setting up and planning his  curriculum and schedules, shadowing the other teachers, and getting to know his students. Katie has been attending childcare meetings, getting to know the students and their house mothers and aunties, and setting up her office area.
What we have been learning so far is patience for the “slowy by slowly” way that things get done here.  God is putting grace on my (Katie’s) heart a lot. I am reading Grace for the Good Girl, and learning to focus on allowing myself grace, which has come up a lot lately.

There was a lizard in the printer when someone hit print, so now Katie’s schedule has lizard parts on it
There is a road hierarchy here, and cows seem to be above pedestrians in priority.
We boiled water and tried to bathe with it immediately without mixing it with cold water—with scalding results.
Cody locked us in our own house and thankfully another missionary had the keys outside the window.
Cody went to the town center for eggs and vegetables. He came back with vegetables and pineapple??? We had grilled avocado and onion sandwiches that night (Next time I will send a list).


Many of the orphans are on holiday visiting their only living extended family to stay connected to their home life. Please pray that they have good family bonding time and for protection for all of our children.
Pray that our first weeks of work will be productive and successful at relationship building.
That we will establish new routines and orders to make our home life successful together, including: work, quiet times, chores, relaxing, and exercise.
Safety while driving to and from work every day and into the cities.
That we will be able to purchase our own motorcycle without problems this Saturday.
Continued relationship building with the other missionaries.

 Internet!!! J
Cody has a working phone!!!
Our house being wonderful!
Good beginnings to our relationships with the other missionaries
Other missionaries lending us transportation
Adjusting going so well so far.
All the baggage arrived together and on time!
Safe journey without many delays!

We will post updates and pictures of our new house and jobs soon!

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