Monday, August 4, 2014

Ending Well

We are down to 7 days! Craziness! We realized the other day that we have been talking about this and planning this for over a year now, and it is about to happen!

We are trying to tie up the loose ends like canceling our internet and magazine subscriptions, and we are also in the middle of changing banks and insurance...which is always fun … We are trying to stay focused and positive and allow each other space for emotions and stress.  

There have been a lot of “see you laters” these past few weeks. We have seen most of our family recently and are seeing/skyping/talking to many of our friends this week.  Cody and I are sneaking out for one more date night before we leave.  There has also been a lot of motorcycle driving practice by Cody. He is really good at it!

Cody Practicing 

Some of the conveniences we are trying to enjoy while we are here are ice, warm baths, air conditioning, speedy internet, and fast food.  It is so strange to think our life will be completely different in a little over a week!

We are SO excited to announce that we are FULLY FUNDED!!! God has been SO amazing throughout this process and provides just what we need when we need it!
At this point, we are still raising funds to support specific ministries there, but we have raised enough money to go!

Fears: starting new jobs, living differently, missing family and friends and our dog, fitting in/ making relationships with people there, making mistakes (inevitable but I cannot stand them J )

Fun "See You Later" with Some Great Friends

Excited about: seeing people again, bringing items to missionaries and children, setting up a new home and way of life together, working together, learning about the culture, seeing life through Ugandan eyes, and working with the other missionaries there.

In summary, there are many things to be excited and thankful for, and there are still some things that are kind of scary. Please be in prayer for us during this transition period and about the specifics above. It is greatly appreciated!

We cannot thank you enough for reading our blogs, calling us, emailing us, listening to us, inviting us to speak, praying for us, helping us, and financially blessing us. You are all a necessary part of our support team and we do not take it for granted!

Next time we will be writing from Uganda! Thanks again!

The Beginnings of Packing

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