Saturday, April 11, 2015

Catching Up in Pictures

I know...I know...It has been a busy two months! Here is some of what has been going on at Good Shepherd's Fold. I will write detailed blogs about much of it later.  :) For now, here are some pictures of what has been going on here and what we have been up to!

Cody is almost finished with the school year! They have had their first graduation and the last final is on Tuesday of this coming week! 

We have had a blast having visits from our good friend, Tori and my mom. (I don't have a picture to post of mom yet. She took all the pictures!) 

We moved! We are officially living on campus in temporary housing! It is such a blessing, and we are loving being so close to the people that we are here to serve and work along side. 

We said "see you later" to Kim (in the front)  who was the nurse here this past year. We miss her and are excited to visit her in the USA on our trip home this fall. We took a pool trip with our discipleship group to celebrate our last time together. 

We have made a lot of changes to the special needs schedule and daily programs. The more advanced students are now having daily living skills class and working on making items to sell, cooking, and other daily life skills.  

Cooking local foods involves a lot of skills including vocabulary, motor skills, and life skills. They also have to work on social skills by taking the food to share with their house moms. They are so proud, have a blast, and feel very accomplished. 

Another change to the schedule is reading/story time where these older/more advanced students come down to the childcare center and read books and listen to stories as a quiet time activity after lunch. 

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